Proposal for 20 Mile An Hour Speed Limit on King’s Hedges Road

Dear Resident, 

Over the last few months I have heard repeated concerns from residents of King’s Hedges Road about the current 30 mile an hour speed limit. Many residents have told me that they feel this is inappropriate for a residential street. I have heard complaints about speeding, dangerous driving and noise pollution, as well as issues some residents have had safely getting onto the road from their driveways as a result of passing traffic.
Some residents have suggested that one solution would be to reduce the speed limit on the section of the road between Cambridge Regional College and the Milton Road junction to 20 miles an hour. I fully accept that if this were to happen effective enforcement by the police would also be needed. However, I am first eager to hear whether this is something you as residents would like to see implemented. 

Please let me know your thoughts on this proposal to reduce the speed limit to 20mph. You can do this by filling in the short survey below. 

I would really appreciate hearing from as many of you as possible on this. The more people who respond, the stronger my position will be when it comes to persuading the council to make this change if that is what residents want. I will let you know what response I get and if residents are supportive I will take this forward with the Council.

Councillor Delowar Hossain 

20 mph survey

  • Current 20 mph Survey
  • Your details
Would you support the introduction of a 20mph limit on King’s Hedges Road between CRC and the Milton Road junction?