Crime and anti-social behaviour is a growing concern across Cambridge. There have been increased reports from residents of anti-social behaviour, particularly along our high streets. We know where the hotspots for crime in our community are but the City council is not doing enough to make Cambridge safer or putting enough pressure on the police to enforce the law.
For example, residents in King's Hedges have been concerned for years about frequent illegal encampments on parks. The camps prevent local residents from using the parks and taxpayers have to fund portaloos and litter cleanup. Last year's Arbury Carnival was put at risk by an illegal camp on Arbury Park. Conservative Councillor Delowar Hossain is fighting for a barrier to stop illegal encampments on Arbury Park and for purpose-built sites to be provided for the Traveller community instead.
Working with the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner, we will call for a more regular and visible police presence in known hotspots and tougher action against petty criminals. Delowar is already fighting for proper park lighting in parks that are poorly lit and feel unsafe at night, driving anti-social behaviour. Conservative Councillors will also push for better street lighting and more CCTV to keep our communities safe.